Thursday, June 12, 2008

Our very first clinic: 2003

This is the trip that started is all!  Over 50 volunteers, at that time called “Friends TO Africa” hosted 3 clinics in villages outside of Dakar, Senegal.  

When the team saw the unbelievable medical hardships faced by the Senegalese people they resolved to come back.

And they did.  They worked with doctors and volunteers in Senegal to perform the quarterly two-day clinics we still have today.  They also established a children’s home in Dakar called My Father’s House to offer hope to widows no longer able to care for their children and save boys from begging on the streets for clerics and young girls from forced marriage, sometimes as second or third wives.

We renamed our charity Friends in Africa, since a local director and local doctors and volunteers promised to staff the clinics.  And they have!  Thanks to them we’ve treated thousands of patients since then.

(Right, top) U.S. Volunteers learn some new moves from the locals.

(Right, third photo)  Steve Gamble gives a pep talk to U.S. and local volunteers.

(Right, bottom)  Right away it became clear that the clinics would draw a crowd of curious children.  We saw the need for children’s programs and here is one of our first.

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